
A red carpenter's pencil is attached to a small chunk of concrete spray painted red, it sits on top of a record player. As the record spins, the rock and pencil rotate and the pencil chimes against a wine glass half full of Campari supported by a red plant under the record player. The record continues clockwise and makes a mark on the wall which makes a scrapping sound. There is a second hole drilled into the record so the rotation is slightly off-kilter: portions of the record sound sped up or slowed down. The record player sits on a red milk crate, to the right of the crate is a red shoe: size 41, the shoe lace is replaced with an embroidery thread that is attached to the arm of the record player keeping the record player from reaching the center of the record so it performs an "infinite loop." The skip in the record occur when the pencil hits the glass and the wall.
video by Hadley Raysor Smith

A silver push bell sits on the floor, next to it is a grey wool glove with a vibrator rhythmically tapping the floor but not making contact with the push bell.

Two grey wool gloves move in opposite directions (one clockwise and one counter-clockwise.) They touch fingers as their paths overlap

A push bell with a vibrator under it moves on the floor and is jostled in a counter-clockwise spiral

video description: the video is shot looking down on to a grey floor with two socks, the left sock is green and rotates clockwise because it has a vibrator inside, it has a rhythmic buzzing sound as it jostles inside. To the right is a pair of active clippers that sit on top of a yellow sock. A clave is placed next to the clippers so that in addition to the buzzing of the clippers, the clave is vibrating making a clicking sound. At 29 seconds, the clippers malfunction and the sound of the vibrator in the green sock is more pronounced. At 45 seconds the clippers start functioning again. At this time the green sock has made a 180 degree turn from where it began. By the end of the video the green sock has made a full 360 degree rotation.

This is a graphic score designed to tell the audience how to eat an orange

two violins (from JACK quartet) play as fast as they can in a race toward the end of the piece

Participants are given an orange and asked to peel and eat individual segments based on when the score and music instructs them to.

Student dance collaboration with Anna Broberg from 2018